The Grand Rapids NFP Coalition is proud to announce our new site has officially launched!
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for prospective & current NFP users.
Not sure what you think of NFP? No problem. Visit our What is NFP? page for all the information you need.
Or maybe you've been using NFP for years, but aren't as confident as you'd like to be?
Then visit our Classes page to register for a refresher course, or our Resources page for teacher contacts and NFP physicians.
Wherever you are in your NFP journey, we're here to help and support you along the way.
Feel free to Contact us with any questions. We have decades of teaching experience, which means we've heard many "personal" details from couples. Don't be embarrassed to ask anything! Your comments will be kept strictly confidential, and we will never judge you.
This blog will keep you up-to-date on all our major projects, public appearances, and newsletters.
Subscribe if you like, and be sure to tell your friends about our site!